Privacy Policy
Flight Logbook is created by McFly Software and distributed through Google Play Store. No registration is required by whose who use the app and every Information users enter into their logbooks is strictly personal and it will only be used to fill up their own Logbooks. Not a single information users provide will be shared or used anywhere else other than in their own logbooks. We are committed to protecting and preserving the privacy of our users when using our app or communicating electronically with us. Please read the following carefully to understand in details what happens to your personal data. Flight Logbook does not collect any personal data, and every personal information user insert into the app is kept secure within his own device. Personal information such as Name of the user, Email Address, Home Address, Base Airport of the pilot as well as Company of Employment, Rank and Flight Licence Number are optional data, which are only saved locally for the solely purpose of filling up the flight logbook each time user wants to generate the printable excel file. Pilot Base information is only used to expedite user experience when creating a new flight to be stored by reducing the number of scree touches needed by the user to perform the operation. Every flight log as well as simulator log, licence information or any other information entered by the user is never treated in background or used for purposes other than displaying his own flight statistics to the user. Each information provided is only stored locally and never leaves the device of the user, We also have no access at all for every information user enters into the app. TYPES OF INFORMATION YOU CAN ADD INTO FLIGHT LOGBOOK Flight Logbook was born with the intension of digitalising old paper flight logbooks, thus expediting the process of Total Time calculations and displaying personal flight statistics in an automatic clear and smart way. Users are free to store their own flight activity with the only above mentioned purposes. Pilot Name, Pilot Email, Home Address, Company of Employment, Rank and Flight Licence number can optionally be stored locally inside the app by users, and will only be used locally to fill their own logbooks with these additional informations. Pilot base is used to enhance user experience helping him by pre filling the “Airport of Departure” field when creating a new flight logbook entry. TYPES OF INFORMATION WE MAY COLLECT FROM USERS As mentioned on the general disclaimer Flight Logbook does not collect any information from users, which are the only ones able to access their own data. THIRD PARTY CONNECTIONS Flight Logbook offers you the optional possibility of creating a backup copy of your flights, simulators and licences to ensure data portability when changing device. Backup service is provided through Dropbox which via user’s Dropbox personal account provides the hosting of a text file containing a backup of the data to be frozen for portability or simple backup purposes. Backup files are saved using secure communication protocols on user’s personal accounts according to Dropbox privacy settings and nor shared or bypassed by any other platform during the perform of backup operations. Connection to the hosting platform happens through the use of safe security access tokens generated by Dropbox oAuth which are never stored or transmitted to us. Flight Logbook will never have access to your login credentials and will never use your Dropbox user account information. CONTROL AND DELETION OF PERSONAL DATA Users have full control over their personal data. Each user can manage and edit its own data at any time by editing and changing them through Flight Logbook user interface. Through the settings page it is also possible to completely erase the database content performing a complete and irreversible cancellation of all the data stored. Remaining personal information such as Pilot Name, Email, Home Address, Company of Employment, Rank, Flight Licence Number and Pilot Base can manually be deleted in easy way through the settings page. CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY Any changes we may make to our privacy policy will be notified to your app and posted in this page. CONTACTS Having questions, comments or requests regarding this privacy policy? You can email our privacy email address, |